Objavljeno: 29.05.2019.
U posjeti Veleučilištu 9. svibnja 2019. boravili su predstavnici Erasmus+ partnerske institucije s Pravnoga fakulteta u Pečuhu: dr.sc. Adrián Fábián, dekan, i dr.sc. Ágoston Mohay, prodekan za međunarodnu suradnju. Prilikom posjeta razgovaralo se o mogućnostima proširivanja postojeće suradnje kroz program Erasmus+ te suradnji kroz mrežu CEEPUS, u kojoj je Fakultet iz Pečuha koordinator, a Veleučilište “Lavoslav Ružička” u Vukovaru jedan od partnera. Razgovor je obuhvatio i zajedničke interese za proširivanjem suradnje pomoću novih međunarodnih projekata i aktivnosti usmjerenih na podizanje razine kvalitete obrazovanja obje visokoškolske institucije.
Visit of the delegation from the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs
The representatives of the Erasmus+ partner institution from the Faculty of Law in Pécs: PhD Adrián Fábián, dean, and PhD. Ágoston Mohay, vice dean for international cooperation visited the College of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar on May 9, 2019. During the visit, we discussed the possibilities of extending the existing cooperation through the Erasmus+ program and the cooperation through the CEEPUS network, where the Faculty of Law in Pécs acts as a Coordinator and the College of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar as one of the partners. The talks also included common interests in extending cooperation through new international projects and activities aimed at raising the quality of education of both higher education institutions.