Erasmus+ Projekt 2018 – KA107
Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries
ERASMUS+ 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219
Programme: Erasmus+ – founded by the European Union
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Mobility between Programme and Partner Countries
Project duration: 01-06-2018 – 31-07-2020 – prolonged 31-07-2021
Project holder: College of Applied Sciences Lavoslav Ruzicka in Vukovar
Project summary
College of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička”in Vukovar as a project holder, as well as partner HEIs involved in project with this project for individual student and staff mobilities 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219 continued to develop their internationalization of education and achieve their strategic goals in the field of international cooperation. Despite Covid -19 they succeeded, to implement most of the planned mobilities, moreover at the end it is realized quantitative higher number of mobility than envisaged by the project. In order to maximize the use of funds available to candidates for mobility, due to difficult conditions for the implementation of mobility because of preventive and security measures, the project implementation period was extended by 12 months.
Within the project, it is realized 34 mobilities out of 23 envisaged in the project application, while an additional 5 mobilities due to the COVID-19 situation were completely canceled. Through the mobility realized by the project, in addition to the achieved quantitative results related to the objectives of the Development Strategy of the project HEI applicant and its Erasmus Charter, qualitative effects were observed, primarily related to raising awareness of mobility and the benefits they bring between staff and students as end users of HEIs and project. With implemented STA mobilities in both direction, it is realized by project wanted “Internationalization at home” as well as their impacts on students at all five HEIs that are involved in project. By this accomplished project results, it contributes to the development of mindset and openness, as well as raising awareness of the importance of intercultural skills not only for future professional but also for personal life of students. Through incoming STA international experiences are transferred through the incoming mobility of students, as most of them still do not participate in the mobility and do not have the opportunity to acquire these experiences and transversal skills abroad.
Visible effect achieved as Long-term project impact for in project involved HEIs is advanced internationalization, improved international activities, which resulted from the project such as for the project holder VEVU, which has upgraded its strategic development directions, especially in terms of foreign language course development. While partner institutions are also more active in the field of Erasmus + activities, and increased the number of new partnerships at their institutions, with special emphasis on project partner institutions from the Republic of Serbia, who in the meantime have become holders of the ECHE charter. Furthermore, the VEVU started cooperation with a new institution in the partner country Georgia, so the resulting effect of this project was reflected in improving the development of the institution’s capacity too, which is visible through the opening of cooperation between VEVU and other institutions in partner countries which are not linguistically related. Following this the long-term impact from this project is the improvement of the development of international cooperation of VEVU, which was one of the long-term goals of the VEVU’s Erasmus Policy Statement for the period 2014-2020 which was realized at the end of the Erasmus+ program until 2020.
Project partner institutions
Bosnia and Hercegovina:
UNIVERSITY HERCEGOVINA Faculty of Social Sciences Dr Milenko Brkić
VEVU Erasmus+ Non-teaching staff week 2021
7 STT mobilities from the project 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219 were implemnt within this week at VEVU.
JOB SHADOWING STAFF WEEK at VEVU – 2018-KA107 (20.12.2018)
ERASMUS+ PROJECT 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219 KICK-OFF MEETING (2.11.2018)
The kick-off meeting with the representatives of the partner institutions at the project ERASMUS+ 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219 was held at College of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ruzicka” in Vukovar (VEVU) as a project holder on September 30 2018. Goals of the meeting were to connect partners and to ensure quality project implementation, as well as informing partners about the Erasmus+ program itself and its structure.
The first part of the meeting encompassed presentation of the host and project partners. The College was presented with a review on the implementation of Erasmus+ at VEVU with the results achieved so far, followed by the presentation of hosts attended at the meeting: Željko Sudarić, PhD. senior Lecturer, dean of College of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ruzicka” in Vukovar; Ana Gavran, Mag. iur., College secretary; ECTS coordinator Slavica Janković, PhD., Lecturer, Head of the Department for Health Studies and ECTS coordinator Željka Borzan, PhD., senior Lecturer, Head of the Business Department, Željka Vajda Halak, Mag. iur., Lecturer, mentor for practice of incoming students at Administrative Department who stood for Head of the Administration Department and Erasmus coordinator at College Karolina Novinc, professional specialist of Project Management.
All partners included in project were presented, whereas representatives of partner institutions who attended the meeting briefly presented their institutions: Prof. Dragan Vučinić, PhD. head of Department for Economics and Finance and assist. prof. Jelena Lukić, PhD., assistant director for International Cooperation from Modern Business University in Belgrade; Associate Professor Dragan Ilić, coordinator for international cooperation with his assistant Tamara Perović from University Business Academy in Novi Sad; Siniša Dukić, B.Sc. econ., head of Office for International Cooperation at University “Vitez” and Radenko Udovičić, PhD., dean of Faculty of Social Sciences Dr Milenko Brkić and assistant Dževida Sulejmanović from University Hercegovina.
The second part of the meeting encompassed the project presentation with instructions for implementation, which featured key project information, project cycle, project implementation phases and activities to be carried out with emphasis on the role of partners in the project. Particular emphasis was put on the essential elements for the implementation of the project from the Inter-institutional Agreements signed with partners and the required resources on partner institutions were specified to ensure quality of implementation.
At the end of the meeting, the following implementation steps were agreed and it the possibility of expressing interest in continuation of cooperation on new mobility projects under the programme Erasmus+ for 2019 was announced.
ERASMUS+ PROJECT 2018 – Presentation
Kickoff Meeting – Presentation
Implementation Plan – Presentation
Održan početni koordinacijski sastanak ustanova partnera na projektu ERASMUS+ 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219
U vijećnici Veleučilišta „Lavoslav Ružička“ u Vukovaru 30. listopada 2018. godine u organizaciji ustanove domaćina, ujedno nositelja projekta mobilnosti KA107, održan je početni koordinacijski sastanak s predstavnicima inozemnih partnerskih institucija na projektu ERASMUS+ 2018-1-HR01-KA107-047219.
Sastanak je održan u cilju međusobnog povezivanja i osiguravanja kvalitetne provedbe projekta kao i informiranja partnera na projektu o samom programu Erasmus+ i njegovoj strukturi.
Prvi dio sastanaka obuhvatio je predstavljanje domaćina i partnera na kojem je prezentirano Veleučilište kao nositelj projekta te njegovi domaćini prisutni na sastanku: dr. sc. Željko Sudarić, v. pred. dekan Veleučilišta, Ana Gavran, mag. iur., tajnica Veleučilišta, ECTS koordinatorica dr. sc. Slavica Janković, pred., pročelnica Odjela za Zdravstvene Studije i ECTS koordinatorica dr. sc. Željka Borzan, v. pred., pročelnica Poslovnog odjela zatim Željka Vajda Halak, mag. iur., pred., mentorica stručne prakse dolaznim studentima na Upravnom odjelu u zamjenu pročelnika Upravnog odjela, te Erasmus koordinatorica na Veleučilištu Karolina Novinc, struč. spec. oec.
Partnerskim ustanovama Veleučilište je prezentirano s osvrtom na provedbu Erasmus+ na Veleučilištu s dosadašnjim postignutim rezultatima. Na sastanku su predstavljeni svi partneri na projektu, dok su predstavnici koji su prisustvovali na sastanku: doc. dr. Jelena Lukić, pomoćnica direktora za međunarodnu suradnju i dr. Dragan Vučinić, rukovoditelj katedre za ekonomiju i financije ispred Visoke škole modernog biznisa u Beogradu, prof. dr. Dragan Ilić, koordinator Centra za međunarodnu suradnju i asistentica Tamara Perović, ispred Univerziteta Privredna akademija u Novom Sidu, Siniša Dukić, dipl. oec, voditelj ureda za međunarodnu suradnju ispred Sveučilišta/Univerziteta „Vitez“, dr. sc. Radenko Udovičić, dekan i asistentica Dževida Sulejmanović ispred Sveučilišta Hercegovina, Fakulteta društvenih znanosti Dr. Milenka Brkića, prezentirali visokoobrazovne ustanove uključene u projekt KA107.
Drugi dio sastanka obuhvatio je predstavljanje projekta i upute za provedbu na kojem su prezentirane ključne informacije o projektu, projektni ciklus, faze provedbe projekta kao i aktivnosti koje je potrebno provesti s naglaskom na ulogu partnera u projektu. Posebno su naglašeni bitni elementi za provedbu projekta iz sklopljenih Inter-institucijskih sporazuma te su navedeni potrebni resursi na partnerskim ustanovama kako bi se osigurala kvalitetna provedba.
Na kraju sastanka dogovoreni su sljedeći provedbeni koraci te je najavljena mogućnost iskaza interesa za nastavak suradnje na novim projektima mobilnosti u sklopu programa Erasmus+ za 2019. godinu.
Prezentacije sa sastanka možete pronaći ovdje.
Mobility participant Impact/ Učinci za korisnike 2018- KA107