Objavljeno: 02.01.2020.

New collaboration with an international partner HEI started with incoming mobility of Ms. Tereza Korsaka, a lecturer from Management College, Latvia, Riga who was stay at College of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar (VEVU)  for a three days  (18 -20 December 2019). Except of the holding a lecture for our students of Undergraduate Professional Study of Commerce, Ms. Korsaka made conversation with the Vice Dean for Business Operations and Cooperation with Business Entities, head of the Business Department and Erasmus coordinator at VEVU about the new possibilities for student and staff exchanges.


This mobility contributed to the realization of “Internationalization of Home”, expanded possibilities to gain international experience in another European country and has opened up opportunities for expanding international cooperation.

Experience that Ms. Korsaka gained you can see below as well as recommendations for students of both partner universities Why is it worthwhile to go to a partner college for an ERASMUS + project? ”, to further encourage students to join Erasmus Mobility through which they gain invaluable international experiences for themselves!


“I have gained good international experience as a lecturer in the Erasmus + project in the College of Applied Sciences Lavoslav Ružička in Vukovar. I have enhanced my competencies in working with international students in an international environment. I have gained satisfaction from international experience. I really liked that the students from College of Applied Sciences Lavoslav Ruzicka in Vukovar have been motivated to learn: they had been open, positive, interested and a lot of questioning.” 


Tereza Korsaka


MC College & VEVU College recommendations for student mobility exchange