Published: 13.03.2023.
The College “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar organizes Career and Open doors days and Erasmus+ International staff week from March 20 to 24, 2023.
Throughout the week, various events are planned at the College with the aim of connecting students and employers, transferring practical experiences to students, introducing students with expectations of the labor market after their graduation, and generally introducing the interested public to the work of the College. This year, additional value for students is provided by teachers and non-teaching staff who come from partner higher education institutions from abroad and who participate in the Erasmus+ International staff week. Students will have the opportunity to listen to visiting Erasmus+ lecturers on various topics and learn something about the study programs and the state of the labor market in the EU.
We hope that you will find something interesting for you in a diverse program of the Career and Open doors days and Erasmus+ International staff week and join us at one of its many activities.
We are looking forward to your arrival!