Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the study program, students will be able:
LO 1 To organize, manage, and conduct physiotherapeutic practice in sports, recreation and wellness in live with the highest standards of the profession and other quality standards.
LO 2 To choose the most appropriate methods of evaluating the functional standards of a user who engages in sports, recreation and wellness.
LO 3 To predict the effects of exercise programs and physical activities on the functions of different organs and organ systems.
LO 4 To design physiotherapeutic programs and exercise programs by using new scientific discoveries and by integrating the knowledge from the fields of sports medicine, physiotherapy, physiology, physiology of exercise, and sports psychology.
LO 5 To choose the most appropriate physiotherapeutic activities with the goal of improving the health status of different populations in sports, recreation, and wellness.
LO 6 To explain and clarify the reasons for and ways of application of a physiotherapeutic treatment, as well as application of adequate nutrition, medicine, and supplements in sports, recreation, and wellness.
LO 7 To critically deliberate the results of a physiotherapeutic evaluation (different tests and measurements), the effects of an applied therapy, and unwanted effects and possible complications during application of physiotherapy in sports, recreation, and wellness.
LO 8 To value interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary teamwork with all user groups who take part in sports, recreation, and wellness.
LO 9 To justify taking on social and ethical responsibility during completing assignments and for the results of those assignments.
LO 10 To assess the mechanisms for prevention, risk factors, and mechanisms by which sports injuries occur, as well as the consequences of those injuries.
LO 11 To analyze the odds of risks and benefits connected to physical exercise.
LO 12 To assess the scientific basis and odds of risks and benefits of using pharmacological substances in sports and recreation.
LO 13 To critically deliberate methodological aspects of scientific and expert studies in the field of physiotherapy.
LO 14 To explain the importance of conducting research for physiotherapeutic work and the importance of conducting physiotherapeutic practice based on scientifically proven methods.
LO 15 To value the facts, theoretical knowledge, philosophy, and expert practice from the field of physiotherapy, as well as the knowledge from other fields (medicine, psychology, management, law and others) that can be the basis for scientific research in the field of physiotherapy.
LO 16 To recognize urgent problems and to apply emergency care in sports, recreation, and wellness.
LO 17 To critically deliberate the importance of hygiene and ecology of health in objects used for sports, recreation, and wellness.
LO 18 To apply information technologies and different systems in sports, recreation, and wellness.
LO 19 To use fundamental medical terminology in written and spoken communication in foreign languages (English and German).