Published: 03.10.2023.

On Monday, October 2, 2023, the new academic year 2023/2024 began for all freshmen, students, professors, and staff of our University. On this occasion, a ceremonial “Introductory Lecture” was held in the courtyard of the University for all freshmen of the professional undergraduate programs in commerce, administration, and physiotherapy, as well as for the freshmen of the professional graduate program in Preventive Physiotherapy. The attendees were greeted with welcoming words by the staff and professors, as well as by the Dean of the University, Assist. Prof. Željko Sudarić, prof. of professional studies. He emphasized that choosing a program of study is one of the most important decisions in the life of every young person and that it is both a great honor and responsibility for the VEVU University to justify the trust placed in us by the 255 freshmen who have enrolled.

During the Introductory lecture, students were introduced to the work of the administrative services, the Sports Association of Students, and the Student Council. They were provided with important and useful information for the beginning of their studies.

We wish all students a successful start to the new academic year 2023/2024 and a pleasant stay in our Vukovar, at the VEVU University, and in our Student Dormitory “Leopold”.