Published: 06.04.2023.
The World Health Day has been celebrated every April 7 since 1950 with the aim of raising awareness of current health issues. The College of Applied sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar also contributed to the celebration of this important date.
Professor Vesna Brumnić, mag. physioth., senior lecturer, from the Department of Health Studies, prepared a lecture and workshop on “Prevention of bad posture”. The lecture and workshop were held at Elementary School August Šenoa in Osijek with pupils of 3.a and 3.b classes and teachers Ljiljana Opančar and Jasna Novotna. The workshop was held in collaboration with our students Marta Jović, bacc. physioth. and Ines Dolić, bacc. physioth.
The lecture raised pupils’ awareness of the importance of proper posture in the prevention of various painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system. The pupils actively participated and were involved with their questions and comments. They enthusiastically participated in the workshop and practiced interesting exercises, some of which were very demanding and challenging.