Published: 01.02.2024.

At the 2nd regular session of the Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences held in December 2023 at the premises of the University of Applied Sciences Edward Bernays, new vice presidents of the Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences for the period 2023–2027 were elected.

Upon the proposal of the President of the Croatian Conference, Assoc. Prof. Damir Jugo, PhD, Dean of the University of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar, Assist. Prof. Željko Sudarić, PhD, was appointed as the vice president from the public universities of applied sciences, and the Dean of RIT Croatia, Irena Guszak, PhD, was appointed as the vice president from the private universities of applied sciences. They will replace the current vice presidents, the Dean of PAR University of Applied Sciences, Assist. Prof. Gordana Nikolić, PhD, and the Dean of the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb, Prof. Krešimir Rotim, PhD, whom the Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences hereby thanks for their previous engagement and contribution to the work and development of studies in the Republic of Croatia.

The Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences is a body in the Croatian higher education system composed of deans of all universities of applied sciences operating in the Republic of Croatia, offering professional studies at three levels: professional short-cycle studies, professional undergraduate studies, and professional graduate studies. Currently, the Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences consists of deans from a total of 32 universities of applied sciences, of which 19 are private (private founders and units of local government as founders), and 13 are public (founded by the Republic of Croatia).

In the work of the Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences, representatives of the Student Council of universities of applied sciences, the Croatian Rectors’ Conference, and representative unions in the field of science and higher education participate without voting rights.

The existence and scope of work of the Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences are defined by Article 94 of the Law on Higher Education and Scientific Activity (NN 119/2022). The Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences is responsible for considering and deciding on issues of common interest for the operation and development of universities of applied sciences, discussing issues related to their work and development, and providing appropriate recommendations and opinions.