Published: 15.07.2024.

On Saturday, July 6, 2024, another event organized by the Croatian League for Hypertension, the University of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar, and the Medical Faculty in Osijek took place. The action, titled “Join Us in Promoting Health and Exercise,” began on July 5, 2024, and included professional lectures, education sessions, and workshops.

The main event for the citizens of Osijek was the “Run for Health” race, held on July 6, 2024, starting at 9:00 AM at the pedestrian bridge. The purpose of the race was to highlight the importance of exercise as one of the most crucial measures for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

As part of the “Hunt for the Silent Killer” campaign, all interested citizens could have their blood pressure, total cholesterol, and blood sugar levels measured.

Despite the extremely high temperatures, there was a significant turnout, and alongside the measured values, citizens received brief education on how best to maintain a quality of life appropriate for their age.

Following the actions of the Croatian League for Hypertension to be held in Zadar and its surroundings at the end of August, in which our students Marko Cojić and Karlo Nikolić will again participate, a new action is planned for November to be held in Vukovar.