Published: 20.05.2024.
The Career Days and Open Doors VEVU 2024 were held in the new premises of the University of Applied Sciences “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar from May 13th to 17th, 2024. Throughout the week, numerous events aimed at connecting students and employers, exchanging experiences, and introducing high school graduates and the interested public to the study programs and work of the university were organized.
The presentation of study programs on Monday, May 13th, was attended by over 150 high school graduates from Vukovar and Osijek. The graduates were introduced to the professional study programs and the conditions of studying and living at the University. During the tour of the new premises, they attended lectures and exercises in various departments and were introduced to the work of the virtual reality (VR) lab, library, and fitness center.
A lecture titled “The Path to Success” was held on May 14th, with guest lecturer Ms. Ana Soldo, President of the Croatian Association of Managers and Entrepreneurs (CROMA) and Subregional Director of DS Smith Packaging. In her lecture, Ms. Soldo presented her career path and the operations of the company she works for, highlighting some of the key factors for successful personal and professional development.
Employers and university partners presented themselves to students on Wednesday, May 15th, at the Job Fair. More than 20 employers presented their businesses and exchanged information and experiences with interested students. The role of employers is of exceptional importance for the continuous adaptation and improvement of our study programs in line with labor market demands. Additionally, employers, as mentors to our students during their internships, are crucial for developing their practical knowledge and skills and for quick employment after graduation. During the fair, the VEVU Career Development Center held a resume writing workshop for third-year students.
On Thursday, May 16th, VEVU alumni shared their experiences of studying and working after graduation at a panel titled “VEVU Alumni Success Stories”. Marin Marinović, a physical therapy alumnus, Tea Pakšec, a commerce alumna, and Marko Barun, a public administration alumnus, discussed with students about the period of their study and personal growth and development after graduation and employment.
The events on Friday, May 17th, were marked by Mr. Zlatko Dalić, the coach of the Croatian national football team, who, as a guest lecturer, discussed the topic “Success Doesn’t Just Happen, It’s Created!”. He emphasized the importance of personal motivation, perseverance, continuous learning and work, and believing in oneself and one’s abilities as fundamental prerequisites for achieving success in personal and professional life.
The VEVU University once again thanks all individuals, partners, companies, and institutions who took the time to participate in the organization and implementation of last week’s events.
See you next year at the VEVU Career Days and Open Doors 2025!
Best regards from VEVU!